Instructions for All Parties (Employee and Management)
1. All parties may consult with and receive the assistance of the Human Resources Department in resolving a grievance. The Department of Human Resources contact information can be obtained from our website, or by calling (334)793-1397 ext. 236250.
2. A formal grievance must be filed within 20 working days following origin of the grievance or the date an employee who feels aggrieved learns of the problem unless it is related to a contested report on performance. Every effort should be made to resolve the grievance by informal discussion during this 20-day period.
3. If a grievance relates to a contested report on performance, an employee must file a grievance identifying the points of contention within 10 working days after:
- The date the employee receives a decision regarding an evaluation conducted by the administration; or
- The employee fails to receive a copy of the evaluation conducted by the administrator.
Instructions for the Employee Submitting A Grievance (Grievant)
1. When a formal grievance is filed, all the information requested on the form must be provided. The description of the grievance should include the names of other persons involved in the act, omission or occurrence.
2. The normal course of action in the grievance procedure is as follows:
Step 1: File with Immediate Supervisor - If not resolved within 10 working days, take next step.
Step 2: File with Human Resources Department - If not resolved within 10 working days, take next step.
Step 3: File with Superintendent - Within 45 working days of receipt of the request, the superintendent will render a decision or schedule a resolution conference and then render a decision.
Resolution conference: After a grievance has been submitted at Step 3, either the grievant or the Superintendent may choose to request a resolution conference; if requested, participation is mandatory. A resolution conference is an informal meeting between the parties with the assistance of a neutral facilitator, provided by the Human Resources Department, who is not affiliated with either of the parties. The resolution conference option provides an additional opportunity for a grievance issue to be discussed and for possible solutions to be considered. If the Superintendent has notified the parties of consideration of the date on which it will hold a conference to consider the grievance, the request for a resolution conference may not be submitted less than 15 working days before that date.
3. Following receipt of notification of action at steps 1-3, the grievant has 10 working days to refer the grievance to the next step unless the time limit is extended by agreement of the parties. A grievance may be submitted to the next level if the grievant has not received notification within the 10 working day period in which such action is required. The respondent, at each step, retains the documentation received from the grievant. The grievant is responsible for maintaining copies of the documentation he or she provided for his or her records and for filing at the next step in the grievance procedure, including attaching all previous responses when submitting the grievance to the next step.