Crisis Communications
Dothan City Schools utilizes several communications methods to keep parents informed, depending on the nature of the incident and the actions we may need parents to take. These include the Dothan City Schools mobile app, website, Facebook, an automated notification system (text, email and/or telephone messages), and when needed, the news media. In order to focus our attention on student safety during an emergency, communications efforts will be coordinated at the district level.
In a true emergency, events happen fast and situations can vary from campus to campus. We will do our best to keep you informed in a timely manner, especially as it pertains to early or delayed dismissal times, transportation issues and any other changes to your child's instructional day. We understand that there is not one communications tool that will reach everyone, so throughout the course of an emergency, we may use a variety of methods to communicate with you. Please remember the nature of the situation will determine which communication methods we use. Non-emergency situational updates will generally be made via social media. When a specific response or instructions are required, multiple communication methods will be utilized.
Dothan City School Mobile App
Our mobile app is the primary communications tool for all Dothan City Schools news and information. During a crisis situation, the district will send imporant updates and instructions to parents via push notifications through the app. Parents can customize how they receive these messages by setting their preferences within the app. Phone numbers and email addresses listed in PowerSchool are automatically downloaded into the app. You can also select which campus news and information you wish to receive. Please check the app to be sure you are logged in, but users do not have to be logged in to receive emergency notifications.
Facebook (
Messages will be posted as quickly as possible to Dothan City School's Facebook page, and, when possible, the campus pages.
The Dothan City School's website (
District-wide emergency messages and updates will be posted on every Dothan City School's webpage as they develop.
Parent Notification System [Blackboard] (text, e-mail and/or telephone messages):
The district will provide updated information as needed to all parent and emergency contact telephone numbers and email addresses in the system. This may be utilized for a specific campus or groups of campuses. If you are not receiving phone calls, please fill out the Dothan City Schools Mass Notifications Ticket information to have your contact information investigated. If you would like to Opt Out or Reinstate Calls, call 855-502-7867.
Local news media
When appropriate, Dothan City Schools will make information available to local television and radio stations and will enlist their assistance in communicating with our audiences.
Please remember that we work very hard to keep your children safe at school. In the event of severe weather or another emergency where conditions outside the school are unsafe, we will shelter our students and staff in place and avoid sending anyone outside of the building until the threat has passed.
During emergencies, we urge you to avoid coming to the school until you are notified that it is safe to do so. If you choose to do so, there may be significant delays in our ability to release individual students to parents, as our priority will be maintaining the safety of the overall campus population.
Every day we focus on creating a safe and secure instructional environment. As a parent, you can help by having the Dothan City Schools mobile app installed and making sure all your contact information is up to date.
Thank you for collaborating with us to keep our school safe, the Dothan Way.
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