Opt-Out of Release of Student Publicity Information
From time to time, Dothan City Schools (DCS) documents classroom and school activities through the use of photography and/or videography. This information may be used for instructional purposes, websites, newsletters, reports, and other media/external publicity.
Parents/guardians should only complete this form if they do not want photos, videos, or other identifiable information shared about their child. Otherwise, please disregard. If restriction is desired, please submit this form to your school or district office. This form must be submitted annually to keep the restriction active.
Checking this box restricts your child’s name, photo and directory information from being published in staff- produced district and school newsletters and publications (including events, activities and athletic programs); recognition; public displays of student work with names, photos and/or videos, (this does not restrict a teacher from sending information, photos or videos related to a student to the parent or guardian only); honor roll and graduation lists; district/school websites and social media; district/school photos and video; classroom video recording by higher education/practicum students, etc.
If no documentation is on file, it will be assumed that permission for release of information has been granted.
Please be aware that ensuring student privacy is not possible at school or district-related public performances or athletic/activities events where cameras are permitted. Other students, parents, community members and news media may record/photograph/film at events and publicly share this information. By choosing to have their children participate in such activities and programs, parents/guardians are agreeing to this condition. Also, student-produced news is not legally considered student directory information. Parents/guardians who do not want their children included in student-produced news should not have their children pose for these photos or participate in student media. In addition, the district does not have control of outside news media/ publications. Access by news media, individuals, organizations, or television/film production companies to non-public locations and events, such as inside a classroom, will be conditioned upon agreement to honor parent/guardian preferences. For specific media related to your child, you may be asked to sign a separate release.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.