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Child Safety Program


Dothan City Schools (DCS) is diligent in its work to ensure safe school bus ridership to and from our schools. As part of our bus safety focus, we teach students rules to follow as they get on and off the bus. We also would like to remind drivers of the rules they must follow when they encounter a school bus on the roadway.

Safety is a priority when it comes to transporting students and WE ALL play a role in keeping kids safe.

In addition to raising awareness regarding bus safety and laws for drivers, DCS has partnered with AngelTrax, to place school bus cameras on 89 buses as a deterrent for drivers who illegally pass school buses within the Dothan city limits. When the school bus stops and amber lights are activated, the system automatically detects vehicles passing the stopped school bus, and records the incident. After the incident is confirmed as a stop arm violation, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a citation in the mail.


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