Dothan City Schools Recognized Employee of the Month for September 2024
DOTHAN, Ala. – At Dothan City Board of Education’s September meeting, Dothan City Schools recognized Child Nutrition Program Manager, Constance Holston, as the September Employee of the Month.
Holston has been an employee of Dothan City Schools for 9 years where she currently serves as the Child Nutrition Program Manager for Dothan City Early Education Center and Head Start campuses. Holston was nominated by Head Start Principal, Nikki Cochran.
“Holston ensures students' needs are met each and every day. Not only their nutritional needs but all needs. She is often seen giving a much needed hug to a student having a rough start or outside at carpool helping guide students in who had a hard time saying goodbye to their mom. Holston ensures to create an environment that is welcoming and encouraging. She has been heard asking a child to spell their name or letting a good citizen student help scan lunch cards. She ensures our Head Start students are full physically as well as emotionally,” says Nikki Cochran, Head Start Principal.
Cochran also notes that Holston always gives and does for others without ever expecting anything in return. She wants everyone to feel included and special. She is a dedicated worker who is dependable and works so hard each day. She takes pride in what she does and represents our school and DCS extremely well. She sets the tone for positivity and is a crucial component to our positive school climate.
“Holston is split between Head Start and DEECC and does it flawlessly. She has implemented procedures and policies that allow our lunchroom to be an extended learning environment,” adds Cochran. “She is the first one to dress up with her team on dress up days as well as any special days we have at our school. She communicates and is a strong link between our school and our families. Holston spends time building relationships with her co-workers and our students. You may find her checking in on a student having a rough day, helping line kids up to transition or tying shoes. She is a valuable asset to Head Start and DCS!”
Holston received a plaque for her recognition as well as a gift certificate to local eatery, The Cellar.